Request Appointment

Ted is accepting new clients by appointment only.  No Walk-ins.

I will be happy to give you a quote before any work begins. The quote will be based my review of your 2023 tax return.
We can set an appointment for the review at my office, or you can upload a copy of your return to my secure file portal.  

Safeguard you information
Never email or text documents that contain personal or sensitive information. ​
Documents can be uploaded securely on my file portal at:
New clients should use the Guest Exchange on the page until a file is set up for you.

For in-office appointments, just give me a call or email me. or
phone 651-439-5236.
Also, for your convenience you can schedule an appointment online.
Go to my scheduler and choose a time that’s best for you.
Appointments can be scheduled up to 30 days in advance.
Copy and paste this address into your browser address bar.